Saturday, June 2, 2012

All C's

That title probably threw you off because youre probably thinking about grades but no, Im  Just talking about some C's that I just have really sparked Interest.I guess we will start off with the playful stuff then get down to the nitty gritty important tough stuff. :)

First off MY FIRST C!!!everybody has GOT to check out this Chic,Cher Lloyd. She is so super talented and insanely pretty! haha here she is!!!

Isn't she just Beautiful? She may look familiar because she made it to the Top 4 on the X Factor (7th Season) I think.I know she was on it with One Direction I do know that! And she left the show a week before 1D did. well anyways she has a beautiful voice and I am just really addicted to her song "Want U Back". It is uberly catchy and I just love it!! Here is the link to the video: 

if the link didn't come up just go to Youtube and see it Type in "Want U Back"and it should come up!(: Please go watch it! I know you will just Fall In Love! haha geez Im so weird but anyways...Once you watch and listen to the song go buy it on iTunes!! Go British People!(: haha on to the next C!

Just to add in I did not get a single C on my Report Card BTDUBS!!! haha that's whassup!

My next C is my most important C and the main reason I decided to write this blog...Courage.Okay so I'm not the one to go out just spill how I feel! haha some people are like that but not me. That's more of my Best Friend.But anyway you know when you have a certain guy friend and you guys are like this(cross your fingers)and you guys are perfect. You don't like him and he doesnt "like" you and its just a Brother/Sister relationship? Then one day he tells you he likes you  and then from there it all goes down hill...He is still awesome and he says ya'll are still friends and all but you know you aren't as close as you used to be...You're missing him a lot.He has stopped texting you and every time you text him its just awkward and you think you are just getting on his nerves.You want to approach him and tell him that You are missing him and want things to be like they used to be but you are afraid when you say something he will just brush it off and it will be even more awkward between you guys.You just want your Brother back...

well this story is obviously me. I'm trying really hard to muster up Courage but it looks like that's not going to work out. But oh well,I guess we aren't really meant to be the best of friends but the time was fun while it lasted right? ha yeah...ALSO! I find this picture quite adorable!(: Children are just so CUTE<3

I believe that is all my C's! I know there is only 3...well honestly 2 1/2. but whatever! I know its a short blog like most of them are but hey that's me! I am me and that's all I desire to be!*  I don't have to change for anyone and neither do you(: so got out and Dream A Little!

Remember all the things that you and I did first?And now you're doing them with herRemember all the things that you and I did first?You got me, got me like thisAnd now you're taking her to every restaurantAnd everywhere we went, come on!And now you're taking her to every restaurantYou got me, got me like this-Cher Lloyd