Saturday, October 26, 2013

Long Time No See

It has been a while since I have blogged and I apologize for that but seeing no one actually reads this, I apologize to myself. (Wow that sounded odd.)  but yeah I am now in my Junior year of high school  and must I say it has been AWESOME. Unfortunately Junior year also has it's stressful moments. I have to start taking the ACT and looking at colleges and attending conferences and seminars and sending in applications and it stinks. I don't even have a job people. But my parents don't make me so YAY! Another big thing for me this year is change. I do not have nearly as many friends as I did when I was a freshman. Like literally there is a cycle. 
Freshman year: everyone is your best friend.
Sophmore year: you narrow down your friend circle to about 10-15 people
Junior year: I can count my friends on one hand. 
And I'm not a senior so I couldn't tell you what happens there but I think you get the picture.  

Wanna know what I've been obsessed with lately? Probably not but I'll tell you anyways!.... Movies and One Direction.
But movies mainly. In class we watched The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise and I can honestly say I cried like a baby. It had a great plot line, great action, and even greater characters. I didn't like the overuse of blood but that's war for you. Also I watched Something Borrowed with some famous names that have currently slipped my mind, but this film just made my mad. The poor girl can't decide which man she loves and the man can't decide who he loves and it's one big tragic mess. So it was good, but bad. And do I even need to mention Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto in Star Trek?! Those two men are perfection. Chris Pine is one of my favorite actors and I absolutely love his style! 
My other obsession, One Direction, came out with a new song yesterday, Story Of My Life. It's good and has a sweet message don't get me wrong, but I've heard it all before. I want something different and when I hear it on the radio, I won't pass it without a thought. I'm a weird hipster kid. I don't want ordinary. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Odd Idiosyncrisies

Why? I don't understand why people say such stupid things. So apparently ther is this new term, "my main squeeze". I mean how ridiculous does that sound?! I mean, are you squeezing them to death? Why are they your main squeeze? What's wrong with just using my favorite or something? Our English language is perfectly fine. STOP TRYING TO CHANGE IT PLEASE. I mean YOLO? What the heck is that all about? I mean what person goes around saying YOLO in their day to day sentances? It just bugs me to death. Excuse me people, you have brains. I know we can think of better stuff than this.

If I'm critical over squeezes this is going to make me look like a real hypocrite. Lately, I have been on a One Direction kick. Where it came from I don't know, but it's eating me. I know, go ahead, laugh away, but the tragic and pathetic truth is that those 5 boys are extremely attractive and sing like angels.  

Anyway...... Have you people heard of O2L?!?!?!?!? They are my favorite people to watch on YouTube and it is composed of Connor Franta, Sam Pottorff, Ricky Dillon, Trevor Moran, JC Caylen, and Kian Lawley. I'm not going to go into detail because I'm tired but you should Definitly check them out. 

This is Connor.

And this is JC. Your welcome.

I'm tired so I'm out! DEUCESSSS.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today was not a fairytale, and I did not wear a dress.

NO WAY THAT JUST HAPPENED AGAIN.  I have written 2 entries and they have both been deleted unintentionally. I hate this. Here's some sneak peeks to what I previously was writing about. Wow that sounds weird.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

It's officially 2013!!! It's January 1, but by the time I get done with this post it will January 2! Anyway today is an EXTREMELY important day for me. Today celebrates my 2nd birthday. 1 year ago today, I was born into the Kingdom of God! I am a daughter of the King! That is really exciting! I get to spend eternity with my Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ,in Heaven forever! The Lord has been so good to me this year and I am so undeserving of His mercy and grace!

This post will be extremely short,but I just wanted to wish everyone an incredible 2013! May it be feeled with love and light and success! I hope all your biggest dreams come true! I am starting a blessing jar this year. What that is exactly is a basic jar that you write down good things that happen throughout the year and place them in the jar, and when the year is over, you look back and see all the blessings God has showered on you! I hope you join me and many others as we pursue this endeavor!

Also, everyone go check out this amazing group called Pentatonix! They are a group of 5 that sing acapella.That means there is no instruments,no background music; just the noises they make with their mouths! I dont know about how you feel, but I think that takes talent! Check them out on YouTube please!(: My favorite members are Avi(on the far right) and Scott(in the middle)!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A little bit of Everything.... And Jesus' Sandals

Been too too busy to even breathe.Ihave been too busy to do anything anymore. In fact, I am supposed to be asleep but this is the only free time I have. I am pretty positive only one or two people actually read this but hey, I Just enjoy writing. As I predicted, Our school play for this year is indeed, The Wizard of Oz! I have been cast as the wicked Witch of the West.If you dont know, it is the green witch.Do you know what this means? i have 3 scripts to memorize: the church Christmas play,this play, and a memorzation project. I am officially going to die,but hey, c'est la vie.

Have you ever had those daydreams where you wish something would happen but you know in reality it never will? I had one of those here in this past couple days and Sometimes I wish my mind would stop daydreaming so I can actually stay caught up with reality. For instance, I was walking down the hallway the other day and started thinking "what if this happened?" or "what would i say if someone said "'hey, we need to talk?"' I think entirely too much, I think my creative Juices have no more Juice in them. My parents say I have always had a grand imagination that runs wild but I guess I have never used it for something productive, you know? For instance, I know I am a good writer, but it's so much easier to write informally so that's what I do. I could use my imagination for good, but instead I let it sit there...dormant. That's one of my biggest regrets.

Have you ever been under appreciated? Well that's how my basketball team feels... All the time. Boy sports at my school are the only thing that matters, to the students at least. I play basketball and we have a student section called the "Purple Haze" but what is really sad is they only cheer for the BOYS team. The come for the girls game but you won't ever hear a word from them. You are probably thinking "Wow. Y'all probably have a really bad record or something." Nope. We have only lost 2 games Of the 5 or 6 games we have played. Only one more loss than the guys.
I feel like we aren't appreciated like the boys are. I understand that watching the boys play can be more entertaining sometimes but support does make a huge difference whether the fans realize it or not(: The world USED to be all about the men. The women were looked down upon but how about now? What happened to equality? We deserve support after we put So much hard work in to win!

I have been studying Matthew 3:11. In that verse it talks about how John said He was not worthy to carry Jesus' sandals. We are talkin about the guy that BAPTIZED Jesus, the Son Of God. Loke that ceremony that sumbolizes tht our sins have been washed by the blood of Jesus.If John the Baptist was not worthy enough how can WE, as followers, not even seeing Jesus in the flesh, and believing by faith, be worthy enough? Back then, Sandals and Feet were nasty! People walked in dirt and mud so their feet were disgusting John says he wasn't worthy enough to even carry The dirty, mid baked sandals of Jesus! How much more should we praise God that He wants to have a personal relationship with us? So let me be the first! PRAISE JESUS! Praise Him that He has never left us alone, and he never will!! Hold on to that promise!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

School Means Fresh Beginnings!

School is quickly approaching seeing WE START MONDAY!!! thankfully I have finished my Summer Reading(: i was supposed to read 2 books but it looks like 1 is just going to have to suffice! haha I went Friday,the 10th, to register get the schedule and decorate the locker and it was nice to see everyone after all Summer! Most people have changed and by that I mean, the guys got 2 feet taller and shaved thier hai to a buzz cut and to the girls,well, they are all the same(: We dont do much changing around here! The school has moved their rooms around added a new teacher and Im stuck in the middle of the STAMPEDE HALLWAY!!! Thats the downside but everything else is just peachy! :) SIDE NOTE: Always Be Positive! it will get you a long way! I had to learn that the long way! Been there Never going back... Back to subject,Basic meaning School is coming up and I am more excited than I ever have been! I cant wait to meet new students and I love having small classes! My 1st and 4th periods consists of 5 people haha(:

My school is truly amazing no matter what anyone says about it! As you probably well know I am a die hard Jesus Freak! i live to bring his Name Glory! well my school is Christian too! We have chapel every week and i LOVE IT! Our staff is uber friendly amd easy to talk to! Jesus surrounds you at my school! I have never felt more comfortable at my school! I love it more than anything in the world(: I would live at my school if I could!!!

FRESH BEGINNINGS! as you read in the title School means fresh beginnings! FResh starts with friends,teachers, even subjects! I have a fresh beginning with a couple of friends where we are just starting on a clean slate and act like the past never happened! it also means meeting new people! I know for a fact there is a new girl coming this year, Madelyn,so Im excied to get to know her!! :)

Goodbye Trey! Trey Erwin died July 5th,2012. HIs birthday was July 31st.He had stage 4 Pancreatic cancer. Helived close to me but i never really new him. He was an amazing warrior for Christ and inspired me greatly! I bought his tshirt and all the money goes to St. Jude Children's Hospital! visit for details and order forms! He will be thoroughly missed! I love you Buddy! See Ya Trey! :'(

GOODBYE SUMMER! Thank you for being so amazing! I had fun in the sun at Chruch Camp in PCB and Dollywood! see you later!

Yeah well I believe that wraps it up for this one!! Thanks for taking time out of your day to red my blog! Take it easy! Nostress! Know that God is in Control and Dream a Little(:

<---- Front of Treys shirt

Back of Treys shirt------->

Sunday, July 29, 2012


the title may throw you off a bit but I wasnt quoting the Smurf theme song if you know what I mean! I havent blogged in a while and really felt the need. And you guys know the deal..Short and sweet and maybe a few pictures thrown in the air.

Well first subject! FRIENDSSSSS i love my friends sooo much! literally the other day I cried because I couldnt see them! I guess that proves it! but yeah I am not an extreme texter but If I havent seen you in over 2 weeks prepare to have your phone close because I will be texting you! and you better be texting back! and this doesnt just go for Girl friends this goes for Guy friends too! i seriously love them like they were my brothers..seeing Ive never had a brother! but oh well(:(:

RANDOM THOUGHT! I want to go to a theme park....with my friends! FUTURE ROAD TRIP! YEAH! hahahaha I know Im crazy

alright, Dr. Seuss...yes i said it. The guy that invented Green Eggs and Ham,Cat in the Hat,and the Elephant that talks to people who live on Daffodils(Horton Hears A Who)...He has some amazing quotes! and I really love Quotes...He holds some of my favorite ones actually and that is why I am obviously blogging...

"So be sure when you step,Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great BAlancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You Will Indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains." -Dr. Seuss

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."- Dr. Seuss 

yeah well those 2 are my favorites(:

Musical! i was in the Play last year, Fiddler On the Roof, and Im so pumped for this year's! Rumors have it that it will be Wizard of Oz then i want tobe the LION!! plus Gingers are awesome! hehehehe(:(: but Ill be happy with whatever is chosen!(:

well i think that is about it! Sorry about not blogging for a while! Be a Light to all Who Cant see!(: -Jesus Girl,Haley