Sunday, February 26, 2012

wow first blog

I gotta question for all you future writers,doctors,astronaunts,baseball players,poets,actors,musicians, whoever you want to be....whats stopping you from going for your dream?...I know lots of people give the typical excuse, "I'm only in High School!" Whats stopping you from fulfilling your dream now? You know, Ive always wanted to be a columnist for a Newspaper somewhere ever since i was little, so im beginning that dream by starting this simple easy blog and whatever your dream is,start out small and work your way up to being extraordinary(:

First things first, I love Jesus! I include Him in everything so if you dont know Him,well, you need to!! He is an amazing God who died on a cross for your sins and rose again so we may have eternal life!! I live to bring Him Glory and even though Im young, Im learning to Be the Light! 1 Timothy 4:12 says, "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."

Next thing, I love Love!!! I talk about it all the time and I cant get enough of it! it has ups and downs and curly Q's that send us spinning but we continue to run towards it! A friend told me one time that Love is a Myth...I agreed with her at first because i didnt want conflict to erupt like most of us would do, but then i said no, Love is real! Jesus died for us, that was love, married couples love each other, even kindergardeners know that love is real!

Last, Music....My life is defined by music. My best friend is a rising star and she cant go a day without music. "Music is the soundtrack to our lives.It shows where we've been, where we are going and every place in between."-Debby Ryan,as Radio Rebel... because of my passion for writing ive written songs and poems that ive tried to play to music...lets just say im trying to work out the kinks...

well thats the basic stuff and i promise ill sound a lot more interesting and juicy in other blogs about random topics but thanks for taking the time to read this!! i know this one is short and to the point but hey thats me!! hahaha so here's my challenge to leave you with today....Do something extraordinary. Do something that is out of your comfort zone. Do something that makes you different! and when you lay your head on your pillow tonight, Smile, thank God for life, close your beautiful eyes, and Dream A Little(: ~Haley

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