Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Message For The Fellas

So Guys, this one is for you. Let me tell you up front that we girls are looking at you when you don't think we are. We watch you when you are with your buddies goofing off, and for those of you with girlfriends already we watch you when your babydoll ain't there around you all the time. Yeah, I know one guy who is precious when his little girlfriend is around but when his Honey ain't at school, he turns into a completely different person!He's disrespectful and cusses all the time and acts like he is a free man without a care in the world. But on the positive, I also know another guy who I'm close to, and he acts AMAZING! He is respectful, nice, and the perfect gentlemen(: A Twitter genius,Austin(@Austinkeller) said "Guys,be the kind of guy you would want your daughter to date". and there is ton of truth in that! If you aren't following him than you should be! He has amazing advice tweets abut life and love that are really supportive!

Prince Charming.We girls talk about our Knight in Shining Armor all the time! My personal fairytale Prince is a mix of these two guys. One of them is a my best friend and kind of like a big Brother even though he is a little shorter than me(:  and the other has looks and the charm but the wrong personality. Sure, he has spurts of cuteness every once and a while, but really he is rather just the normal guy that is crazy, insane, and Immature. So really the only thing he really has going for him is those gorgeous Blue eyes! But anyway, for me personally i want a guy like this...

yeah, Its a picture of two little kids. I want a guy who will be with me through thick and thin and won't ever leave my side for anything. He has been with me since the beginning and will not leave me til the end. But not every girl is like me! Some say their Prince Charming is the baseball superstar or the Hottest Guy in school or simply the nice guy of the class. It's different with every girl. And just a little hint of advice. Guys, please please please don't set yourself up for disaster. Don't act desperate. It's just plain sad for us to see you that way. We have one guy at our school who changes who he likes just about everyday. and another thing you should probably know, Don't ever mess with the girls Best friend...especially if shes a 6'1 Post player on the basketball team... BAD MISTAKE! that happened with my best friend and I was about to tear that guy to pieces but thats a whole different story....basically the dude was playing her and was making up stuff that wasn't even true and making assumptions just a little too quickly, if you know what I mean. So never do that and you want have to go through the problem of getting beat up by the best friend, in this case, Me.

If you know a girl that is a friend of yours and is just going through a hard time, a simple smile can make her day. And if you hug her, she will know you care. Sometimes all we want is just a hand to hold.This is kind of like my situation. I have been really confused lately and when my Best Friend couldn't give me answers, I turned to the next best thing, My best guy friend who I do consider my Brother. I told him everything! and through the whole conversation he was just really supportive and encouraging. And when I asked for advice, even though sometimes it wasn't what I wanted to hear, it's what I needed and he was honest with me whether I liked it or not. Yeah, so if your not the flirtacious go find a girlfriend right-off-the-bat kind of guy, be this kind. Just be there for her. Be ready to dry her tears when her boyfriend breaks her heart. No, you dont have to have the kissy kissy smoochy smoochy relationship with a girl.Just be there for her and when she runs to you for help and comfort, Don't turn her away. Open up your arms to her and it is still okay to do that even if you "don't feel that way" about her. It still means a lot to know that you care. A hug goes a long way in Girl time. and even if you do have those feelings that you love her, they might be the Sister/Brother relationship that really fuels the fire so don't be afraid of your emotion.

So where you Princes and Knights? Your damsel in distress is waiting in the tower for you to come and save her from the dragon and other monsters...Are you going to be the man that charms her to let down her hair? Is she going to peek over the side of the balcony only to find youself giving her 
s advice how to hold on to this ride because It's gonna be ahakysbut you will be there for her and catch her when she falls?Every man must decide for his own life(: Let Love Rule

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Past and Regrets

Sorry everybody I haven't blogged in a while!!!! I've been so busy! you know with Mr. Norvell homework stress and all(: hahaha but anyway I titled this blog The Past and Regrets because I just felt the need to explain some things...This blog too is probably going to be short but, hey, that's me! Short and to the point...unlike Shakespeare who has very elaborate with metaphors.ANYWAY, leggo.

Everyone lives with regrets but I especially have some. I totally ruined this awesome friendship I used to have.I mean you have no idea how bad I've wanted to go back and fix things! i would have changed the way I did things and timing and I would have NEVER told my friend some stuff if I would have known it would come to this.I mean everything is so awkward now and it just makes me want to cry sometimes because I know now that no matter what I do it will never be the same. We will never be friends again, just two people who pass each other in the hall. Its like one of those sad stories but hey, my life is a sad love story, but oh well! I brought it onto myself. So here is some advice, learn from your mistakes...because one day, you might miss out on an awesome relationship that could have been incredible. And now I have one guy friend...ONE! that I actually talk to quite often and I promise I will NOT MESS this one up! I refuse! I forbid it! I know I'm a sappy love story girl but I can't help it! I just love Love!

Anyway, the bottom line is, don't ruin a relationship over a dumb note or a sentence you didn't mean to say. Think before you speak and think before you write. It may be true that "Stick and stones may break my bones but Words may never hurt me." But words do hurt! That hurt a lot! That can break people down and once those words are gone, you cant take them back. It's impossible!Dont make my mistake... cause it can damgage an awesome relationship that couldve changed your life.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Teen Advisors

Self worthhhhh! We all struggle with this subject. I know I do! Ive always had the problem thinking Im not good enough. I am never pretty enough. Athletic enough... Never popular enough. I think Im not pretty because Im not stick skinny and pretty. What can I say? I wasnt blessed with looks and Cuteness and skinny-ness! But God told me to be thankful for what I do have! I have big eyes, long eyelashes, a love for little kids, and a passion for Journalism and Writing! But hey, all of us are not made to be exactly the same! We are like snowflakes! We are all made of the same stuff but we are different. Did you know that no 2 snowflakes are exactly alike? Like in the Bible theres a part in Hebrews, even though there are many parts we all work togwrher to become one! A foot cant do a legs job and a leg cant do an eyes job and an eye cant do an ears job. Me? I think Im a hand... I love doing service and working to make things better. I love holding the little kids hands when they are scared. And I really like Giving hugs! But Im getting off track.We are all so special!

Never feel like you Are a mistake in Gpds creation like I did. I thought I was just a piece of trash God just threw out in Heaven but in Chapel one day, God said "Haley! Youre not a mistake! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! I knit you piece by piece in your mothers were made in Imago Deo- The Image Of Me!!! You are perfect and I made you exactly the way you were supposed to be! I love you so much and I died on a cross for you so you could spend eternity with me(: Would I go through all that pain and suffering for a mistake?" and after that I felt really dumb for ever thinking of myself just because the world didnt accept me... Dont let the Devil win. He lives to make your life miserable. Do NOT let him win because the price has been paid and the battle has already been won! You are Beautiful(:

Also guys, be thankful!!! I just want to say how thankful I am for my grandparents and aunt and uncle... My grandparents are begging me to come to their house and spend the week with them!! I do it every summer, and I gotta say...Going there is The highlight of Summer for me! And me and my Aunt Carrie are so close! My dad says that im the spitting Image of her! I love her like crazy and we have more of a Best Friend Relationship than a Aunt/Niece relationship! She is crazy, insane,super friendly, awesome and amazing and I still respect jer because even though it doesnt feel like it she still is my Auntieeeee. She so chill and I cant wait til Summer so I can spend more time with her! I love Carrie!!