Monday, April 2, 2012

Teen Advisors

Self worthhhhh! We all struggle with this subject. I know I do! Ive always had the problem thinking Im not good enough. I am never pretty enough. Athletic enough... Never popular enough. I think Im not pretty because Im not stick skinny and pretty. What can I say? I wasnt blessed with looks and Cuteness and skinny-ness! But God told me to be thankful for what I do have! I have big eyes, long eyelashes, a love for little kids, and a passion for Journalism and Writing! But hey, all of us are not made to be exactly the same! We are like snowflakes! We are all made of the same stuff but we are different. Did you know that no 2 snowflakes are exactly alike? Like in the Bible theres a part in Hebrews, even though there are many parts we all work togwrher to become one! A foot cant do a legs job and a leg cant do an eyes job and an eye cant do an ears job. Me? I think Im a hand... I love doing service and working to make things better. I love holding the little kids hands when they are scared. And I really like Giving hugs! But Im getting off track.We are all so special!

Never feel like you Are a mistake in Gpds creation like I did. I thought I was just a piece of trash God just threw out in Heaven but in Chapel one day, God said "Haley! Youre not a mistake! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! I knit you piece by piece in your mothers were made in Imago Deo- The Image Of Me!!! You are perfect and I made you exactly the way you were supposed to be! I love you so much and I died on a cross for you so you could spend eternity with me(: Would I go through all that pain and suffering for a mistake?" and after that I felt really dumb for ever thinking of myself just because the world didnt accept me... Dont let the Devil win. He lives to make your life miserable. Do NOT let him win because the price has been paid and the battle has already been won! You are Beautiful(:

Also guys, be thankful!!! I just want to say how thankful I am for my grandparents and aunt and uncle... My grandparents are begging me to come to their house and spend the week with them!! I do it every summer, and I gotta say...Going there is The highlight of Summer for me! And me and my Aunt Carrie are so close! My dad says that im the spitting Image of her! I love her like crazy and we have more of a Best Friend Relationship than a Aunt/Niece relationship! She is crazy, insane,super friendly, awesome and amazing and I still respect jer because even though it doesnt feel like it she still is my Auntieeeee. She so chill and I cant wait til Summer so I can spend more time with her! I love Carrie!!

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