Sunday, March 25, 2012


Now this time around Im going to discuss And if you are thinking to your self, "Wow.This chic is Narcissistic." and you click off the page,I understand,and I wont hate you! I just needed some time to vent and remind myself of who I really am and what I stand for and what I Hope to be one day.SHORT BLOG!

My name is Haley.I hate my name. Its so boring and normal!! I mean come on, How many Haley's do you know or have heard of? a lot. I dont mean change my name to something CrAzY and out of the park like Sha-naynay or something ridiculous but the point is, I want to be different! I want to stand out! I dont want a name that just blends in with the Gray sidewalk and watch people walk over it day by day by day and see nothing of it! I want to be like a Froot Loop in a bowl of Cheerio's.I want to be the girl who wears the crazy socks and the neon colors and who will step out of their comfort zone to do anything. I want to be the girl who takes risks and is up to any challenge that is thrown at her! That girl, whoever it is, I want to be.

I want to be a Journalist/Columnist. I realized I wanted to be this when I was in 3rd grade after writing cursive letters.In kindergarten, I remember wanting to be a police officer like my daddy but as time went on, I found myself being captivated by Quotes, Books, Magazines, NewsPaper, Essays, and other things..and of course other careers popped in my head along the way.I know for a while, I wanted to be a Historian and study Ancient Greek Mythology after learning about the gods but that dream was soon extinguished after my dad told me Historians had no life...So now I am pursuing my dream(:

Love, who doesnt love it? and if you said no, you have no heart. JUST KIDDING! but seriously, lighten up! But anyway, I am one of those girls who never attracted the guys, Who tells everyone else they are beautiful but cant tell my self that. Im a girl who likes guys but end up ruinig it all too soon(went there never going back). Yes, I celebrate Valentines even though I am alone, I would rather watch a fairytale love story become reality, than going to the movies with my friends, what I have left of them anyways. And another thing, If you dont have that one guy(talking to girls here), that you can tell absolutely anything to and he still doesnt walk away from you but instead holds your hand and tells you Its gonna be ok(': I thank the Lord I have my guy and he wont ever leave me by myself!

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