Saturday, March 3, 2012


Uh..huh another song! this one is A Little Bit Stronger by Sara Evans and this is NOT ANOTHER HATE-BLOG THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! yeah you know who you are...

Riding in the car to work and I'm trying to ignore the hurt
So I turned on the radio, stupid song made me think of you
I listened to it for minute but I changed it
I'm getting a little bit stronger, just a little bit stronger

And I'm done hoping that we could work it out
I'm done with how it feels, spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And, oh, I'm done thinking that you could ever change

I know my heart will never be the same
But I'm telling myself I'll be okay
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger

this is only a little part of it but its my favorite part of the song!!! But im also hooked on Cinema from Skrillex but mainly this one. So this blog is going to be RaNdOm!!!! I got lots of stuff on the lineup...Number 1. THE HUNGER GAMESS and that should get anyone lets start..

The Hunger Games
       How many days left til the Premiere?!?!?!?!? i honestly dont know but i just know that it better be as good as the book or else i will be thoroughly disappointed! the books were so amazing and I just cant wait to watch Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth as Peeta and Gale(:(: Who would you have Katniss rather end up? Peeta or Gale? for me, I will pick Peeta over Gale any day, just because has something that Gale just cant grasp...I cant put my finger on it but theres just something thats sets them apart O__o

     So you remember at the end of my last blog I said all I could think about now was Hands? and couldnt figure out why? well i figured out why today... a song came rushing through my head! Vanilla Twilight by Owl City!!! it goes "Its when I look at my HANDS and feel sad because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly!" i dont know why that was so important but its been running through my head all flippin day long along with a million other things!

    So today we had a tornado warning at school and one of my classmates was getting scared and after it was over I saw a little girl crying and all I could think about was "Why would anyone be crying?"...As the wind howled outside, my heart was calm because God put Psalm 62:6 on my heart.."He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken" and I just thought no matter how big a storm gets God is bigger still. But that little girl reminded me that theres really nothing to be scared of..Well I know that for me....If you are saved thateres absolutely nothing to worry about..I know God is holding me in His arms and no matter what I do, He is never going to let me go. No matter how scared I get, God is holding me and comforting me in times of Trouble and pain..

      All I can say is be careful choosing your friends... I have three best friends that I can tell anything to and I know they will always be there for me no matter what I do! When I was smaller I was kind of Best friends with everybody, and that didnt turn out so well..Lets just say Today,I'm not liked by all the girls in my class. So make sure you know that person VERY well before just letting them in your life...
       The play!! FOTR is coming on amazing and Im so excited for it March 15!!!!Like you have no idea how many times Ive gone over this script!! I love being and old woman that hates people and my favorite quote right now is from Dr. Barnum when she goes 'Okay....Just sit there and be Judgemntal(: hahah I love Yente(;

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