Saturday, March 3, 2012

EBC and Another Thing

I went and saw USJ's "Happy Days" tonight and I have to say overall it was pretty good(:  but I noticed something not about the play...but about the people. I went and saw it with my Best friend, Mary Katherine, and though we had fun together, I went to see my friends from Englewood, Sierra and Allyson. But thats just it, I went for my Englewood church friends and some more of my mutual EBC church friends are going to see them tomorrow! Im so glad that we still have teens like that...who would take the time to go enjoy each others talents and celebrate it with them... I mean, at my home church, we would NEVER do that for each other in our youth group. Yeah,we go bowling once a year at Christmas, but thats it. It's quite sad, but we just arent that close and it is just something we have to work on, But Teens at Englewood are different! and I loveeeee it that way. I get a blessing from them because I realize how much they are there for each other and how much they actually do love each other...
   And just another thing about Englewood....I go to visit there quite often on Wednesdays, often enough that Youth Pastor,Josh, considers me one of their own and I love it!! Every time I visit Im always meeting someone new.Last time I went, I met a guy named Steven/Stephen I dont know how it is spelled  but The guy is P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S!!! He accepted me right off the bat! And the time before that I reunited with a girl I met on Fall Retreat named Kara,again thats probably not how you spell it but oh well(:  She was very nice and we now know each other...

      The bottom line is Englewood is a amzing church and for anyone looking for a church in the Jackson area I highly suggest that one(:

      And just a little side note...Dont believe everything you hear...because chances are it's probably not true. You dont know how many times that story has been passed around and it could have goten changed 1000 times before it ever gets to you. Its just another Rumor that was designed to tear somebody down, to make them feel like a nobody. And when you hear such Ridiculous news,heres some advice, Just keep your mouth closed...Instead of trying to tear people doen all the time like the ways of this world, be a rebel and be nice for once. That's what Jesus wants...and doesnt every Christian have the motive to live for Him? Give Glory to Him because He is the only one that is worthy of praise<3

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