Thursday, November 29, 2012

A little bit of Everything.... And Jesus' Sandals

Been too too busy to even breathe.Ihave been too busy to do anything anymore. In fact, I am supposed to be asleep but this is the only free time I have. I am pretty positive only one or two people actually read this but hey, I Just enjoy writing. As I predicted, Our school play for this year is indeed, The Wizard of Oz! I have been cast as the wicked Witch of the West.If you dont know, it is the green witch.Do you know what this means? i have 3 scripts to memorize: the church Christmas play,this play, and a memorzation project. I am officially going to die,but hey, c'est la vie.

Have you ever had those daydreams where you wish something would happen but you know in reality it never will? I had one of those here in this past couple days and Sometimes I wish my mind would stop daydreaming so I can actually stay caught up with reality. For instance, I was walking down the hallway the other day and started thinking "what if this happened?" or "what would i say if someone said "'hey, we need to talk?"' I think entirely too much, I think my creative Juices have no more Juice in them. My parents say I have always had a grand imagination that runs wild but I guess I have never used it for something productive, you know? For instance, I know I am a good writer, but it's so much easier to write informally so that's what I do. I could use my imagination for good, but instead I let it sit there...dormant. That's one of my biggest regrets.

Have you ever been under appreciated? Well that's how my basketball team feels... All the time. Boy sports at my school are the only thing that matters, to the students at least. I play basketball and we have a student section called the "Purple Haze" but what is really sad is they only cheer for the BOYS team. The come for the girls game but you won't ever hear a word from them. You are probably thinking "Wow. Y'all probably have a really bad record or something." Nope. We have only lost 2 games Of the 5 or 6 games we have played. Only one more loss than the guys.
I feel like we aren't appreciated like the boys are. I understand that watching the boys play can be more entertaining sometimes but support does make a huge difference whether the fans realize it or not(: The world USED to be all about the men. The women were looked down upon but how about now? What happened to equality? We deserve support after we put So much hard work in to win!

I have been studying Matthew 3:11. In that verse it talks about how John said He was not worthy to carry Jesus' sandals. We are talkin about the guy that BAPTIZED Jesus, the Son Of God. Loke that ceremony that sumbolizes tht our sins have been washed by the blood of Jesus.If John the Baptist was not worthy enough how can WE, as followers, not even seeing Jesus in the flesh, and believing by faith, be worthy enough? Back then, Sandals and Feet were nasty! People walked in dirt and mud so their feet were disgusting John says he wasn't worthy enough to even carry The dirty, mid baked sandals of Jesus! How much more should we praise God that He wants to have a personal relationship with us? So let me be the first! PRAISE JESUS! Praise Him that He has never left us alone, and he never will!! Hold on to that promise!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

School Means Fresh Beginnings!

School is quickly approaching seeing WE START MONDAY!!! thankfully I have finished my Summer Reading(: i was supposed to read 2 books but it looks like 1 is just going to have to suffice! haha I went Friday,the 10th, to register get the schedule and decorate the locker and it was nice to see everyone after all Summer! Most people have changed and by that I mean, the guys got 2 feet taller and shaved thier hai to a buzz cut and to the girls,well, they are all the same(: We dont do much changing around here! The school has moved their rooms around added a new teacher and Im stuck in the middle of the STAMPEDE HALLWAY!!! Thats the downside but everything else is just peachy! :) SIDE NOTE: Always Be Positive! it will get you a long way! I had to learn that the long way! Been there Never going back... Back to subject,Basic meaning School is coming up and I am more excited than I ever have been! I cant wait to meet new students and I love having small classes! My 1st and 4th periods consists of 5 people haha(:

My school is truly amazing no matter what anyone says about it! As you probably well know I am a die hard Jesus Freak! i live to bring his Name Glory! well my school is Christian too! We have chapel every week and i LOVE IT! Our staff is uber friendly amd easy to talk to! Jesus surrounds you at my school! I have never felt more comfortable at my school! I love it more than anything in the world(: I would live at my school if I could!!!

FRESH BEGINNINGS! as you read in the title School means fresh beginnings! FResh starts with friends,teachers, even subjects! I have a fresh beginning with a couple of friends where we are just starting on a clean slate and act like the past never happened! it also means meeting new people! I know for a fact there is a new girl coming this year, Madelyn,so Im excied to get to know her!! :)

Goodbye Trey! Trey Erwin died July 5th,2012. HIs birthday was July 31st.He had stage 4 Pancreatic cancer. Helived close to me but i never really new him. He was an amazing warrior for Christ and inspired me greatly! I bought his tshirt and all the money goes to St. Jude Children's Hospital! visit for details and order forms! He will be thoroughly missed! I love you Buddy! See Ya Trey! :'(

GOODBYE SUMMER! Thank you for being so amazing! I had fun in the sun at Chruch Camp in PCB and Dollywood! see you later!

Yeah well I believe that wraps it up for this one!! Thanks for taking time out of your day to red my blog! Take it easy! Nostress! Know that God is in Control and Dream a Little(:

<---- Front of Treys shirt

Back of Treys shirt------->

Sunday, July 29, 2012


the title may throw you off a bit but I wasnt quoting the Smurf theme song if you know what I mean! I havent blogged in a while and really felt the need. And you guys know the deal..Short and sweet and maybe a few pictures thrown in the air.

Well first subject! FRIENDSSSSS i love my friends sooo much! literally the other day I cried because I couldnt see them! I guess that proves it! but yeah I am not an extreme texter but If I havent seen you in over 2 weeks prepare to have your phone close because I will be texting you! and you better be texting back! and this doesnt just go for Girl friends this goes for Guy friends too! i seriously love them like they were my brothers..seeing Ive never had a brother! but oh well(:(:

RANDOM THOUGHT! I want to go to a theme park....with my friends! FUTURE ROAD TRIP! YEAH! hahahaha I know Im crazy

alright, Dr. Seuss...yes i said it. The guy that invented Green Eggs and Ham,Cat in the Hat,and the Elephant that talks to people who live on Daffodils(Horton Hears A Who)...He has some amazing quotes! and I really love Quotes...He holds some of my favorite ones actually and that is why I am obviously blogging...

"So be sure when you step,Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great BAlancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You Will Indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains." -Dr. Seuss

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."- Dr. Seuss 

yeah well those 2 are my favorites(:

Musical! i was in the Play last year, Fiddler On the Roof, and Im so pumped for this year's! Rumors have it that it will be Wizard of Oz then i want tobe the LION!! plus Gingers are awesome! hehehehe(:(: but Ill be happy with whatever is chosen!(:

well i think that is about it! Sorry about not blogging for a while! Be a Light to all Who Cant see!(: -Jesus Girl,Haley

Saturday, June 2, 2012

All C's

That title probably threw you off because youre probably thinking about grades but no, Im  Just talking about some C's that I just have really sparked Interest.I guess we will start off with the playful stuff then get down to the nitty gritty important tough stuff. :)

First off MY FIRST C!!!everybody has GOT to check out this Chic,Cher Lloyd. She is so super talented and insanely pretty! haha here she is!!!

Isn't she just Beautiful? She may look familiar because she made it to the Top 4 on the X Factor (7th Season) I think.I know she was on it with One Direction I do know that! And she left the show a week before 1D did. well anyways she has a beautiful voice and I am just really addicted to her song "Want U Back". It is uberly catchy and I just love it!! Here is the link to the video: 

if the link didn't come up just go to Youtube and see it Type in "Want U Back"and it should come up!(: Please go watch it! I know you will just Fall In Love! haha geez Im so weird but anyways...Once you watch and listen to the song go buy it on iTunes!! Go British People!(: haha on to the next C!

Just to add in I did not get a single C on my Report Card BTDUBS!!! haha that's whassup!

My next C is my most important C and the main reason I decided to write this blog...Courage.Okay so I'm not the one to go out just spill how I feel! haha some people are like that but not me. That's more of my Best Friend.But anyway you know when you have a certain guy friend and you guys are like this(cross your fingers)and you guys are perfect. You don't like him and he doesnt "like" you and its just a Brother/Sister relationship? Then one day he tells you he likes you  and then from there it all goes down hill...He is still awesome and he says ya'll are still friends and all but you know you aren't as close as you used to be...You're missing him a lot.He has stopped texting you and every time you text him its just awkward and you think you are just getting on his nerves.You want to approach him and tell him that You are missing him and want things to be like they used to be but you are afraid when you say something he will just brush it off and it will be even more awkward between you guys.You just want your Brother back...

well this story is obviously me. I'm trying really hard to muster up Courage but it looks like that's not going to work out. But oh well,I guess we aren't really meant to be the best of friends but the time was fun while it lasted right? ha yeah...ALSO! I find this picture quite adorable!(: Children are just so CUTE<3

I believe that is all my C's! I know there is only 3...well honestly 2 1/2. but whatever! I know its a short blog like most of them are but hey that's me! I am me and that's all I desire to be!*  I don't have to change for anyone and neither do you(: so got out and Dream A Little!

Remember all the things that you and I did first?And now you're doing them with herRemember all the things that you and I did first?You got me, got me like thisAnd now you're taking her to every restaurantAnd everywhere we went, come on!And now you're taking her to every restaurantYou got me, got me like this-Cher Lloyd

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Wow! I feel really bad! I havent blogged in a month! (sorry for the not use of aposteophies) but you guys, FINALLY its May!!! Birthday month,school gets out for Summer, and thank the Lord it finally feels like Summer!!! It is time for the heat, the water and NO HOMEWORK!! Time to forget about all those stupid boys and actually genuinely enjoy yourself! Wear cute clothes and Tan!(but I cant tan because Im a Red head... And Red heads dont tan D: but honestly I dont care, because Jesus made me white and I have no interest in becoming Brown...not one bit) Yesssss(: *Long Carefree Sigh* Dont you just Love Summer?? Ha! I DO! But we gots to get down to Bi-ness!!!!( joke) Music plays a crucial part on my SummerTime. It affects my mood! I do not want to be listening to the Blood Hounds Came and Ate the Little Girl by I Hate People, the emo heavy metal band... No! I want to listen to Upbeat songs with catchy beats... One song that has really captured my attention is Secrets by OneRepublic(:

My Goshh, amazing thay we got this far its like we're chasing all those stars whos driving shiny big black cars

Its everyday I see the news, all the problems we could solve and the situation as it rises, write it down in an album but I dont really like my flow,no, so

Tell me what you want to Hear,
Something like we like those years,
Sick of all the Insincere Im gonna give all my Secrets away

This time, dont need another perfect line, Dont care if critics ever jump in line, Im gonna give all my secrets away(:

Yeahh... I love that song and it has sich a catchy tune!! If I had a theme song for the Summer, it would be that(: even though I dont have a picture of OneRepublic for you, I do have a picture of David Archuleta(: many know him as the runner up to American Idol Season I dont Know, but this guy is Legit!! He is such a sweetheart and Ive loved him a while! His voice is so Incredible and he has such amazing Lyrics(: if you are a girl that needs a song to describe your feelings this guy has the answers!! :) Archie fans FOEVER!!!!

Speaking of Americab Idol Ive missed I think maybe one episode but I never remember what days its on!! If anyone knows please tell me!! But my favorite people is 1.Phillip Phillips(: Country boy with a beautiful raspy country voice!!(: and 2. Colton Dixon!!(: he got voted off though! Wow America! I hate to break it to you but Colton is SO much better than Holly/ you guys made the Wrong decision this time! Coltob was a strong Christian man and his Idol was Jesus(: plus on top of that he has a fantastic indescribable voice(: I just cant wait til he proves is all wrong and gets famous by himself ;) just ib case you didnt know who they were, Phillip is the obe in the plaid smiling real big, and Colton is the one turned sideways with the blode strip in his hair(:

And I think thats about it for this blog! I know its been a while and its short and Random but oh well Ill try an be a littke faster next time and have a littke bit more to say(:(: Dream A Little! -Haley(:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Message For The Fellas

So Guys, this one is for you. Let me tell you up front that we girls are looking at you when you don't think we are. We watch you when you are with your buddies goofing off, and for those of you with girlfriends already we watch you when your babydoll ain't there around you all the time. Yeah, I know one guy who is precious when his little girlfriend is around but when his Honey ain't at school, he turns into a completely different person!He's disrespectful and cusses all the time and acts like he is a free man without a care in the world. But on the positive, I also know another guy who I'm close to, and he acts AMAZING! He is respectful, nice, and the perfect gentlemen(: A Twitter genius,Austin(@Austinkeller) said "Guys,be the kind of guy you would want your daughter to date". and there is ton of truth in that! If you aren't following him than you should be! He has amazing advice tweets abut life and love that are really supportive!

Prince Charming.We girls talk about our Knight in Shining Armor all the time! My personal fairytale Prince is a mix of these two guys. One of them is a my best friend and kind of like a big Brother even though he is a little shorter than me(:  and the other has looks and the charm but the wrong personality. Sure, he has spurts of cuteness every once and a while, but really he is rather just the normal guy that is crazy, insane, and Immature. So really the only thing he really has going for him is those gorgeous Blue eyes! But anyway, for me personally i want a guy like this...

yeah, Its a picture of two little kids. I want a guy who will be with me through thick and thin and won't ever leave my side for anything. He has been with me since the beginning and will not leave me til the end. But not every girl is like me! Some say their Prince Charming is the baseball superstar or the Hottest Guy in school or simply the nice guy of the class. It's different with every girl. And just a little hint of advice. Guys, please please please don't set yourself up for disaster. Don't act desperate. It's just plain sad for us to see you that way. We have one guy at our school who changes who he likes just about everyday. and another thing you should probably know, Don't ever mess with the girls Best friend...especially if shes a 6'1 Post player on the basketball team... BAD MISTAKE! that happened with my best friend and I was about to tear that guy to pieces but thats a whole different story....basically the dude was playing her and was making up stuff that wasn't even true and making assumptions just a little too quickly, if you know what I mean. So never do that and you want have to go through the problem of getting beat up by the best friend, in this case, Me.

If you know a girl that is a friend of yours and is just going through a hard time, a simple smile can make her day. And if you hug her, she will know you care. Sometimes all we want is just a hand to hold.This is kind of like my situation. I have been really confused lately and when my Best Friend couldn't give me answers, I turned to the next best thing, My best guy friend who I do consider my Brother. I told him everything! and through the whole conversation he was just really supportive and encouraging. And when I asked for advice, even though sometimes it wasn't what I wanted to hear, it's what I needed and he was honest with me whether I liked it or not. Yeah, so if your not the flirtacious go find a girlfriend right-off-the-bat kind of guy, be this kind. Just be there for her. Be ready to dry her tears when her boyfriend breaks her heart. No, you dont have to have the kissy kissy smoochy smoochy relationship with a girl.Just be there for her and when she runs to you for help and comfort, Don't turn her away. Open up your arms to her and it is still okay to do that even if you "don't feel that way" about her. It still means a lot to know that you care. A hug goes a long way in Girl time. and even if you do have those feelings that you love her, they might be the Sister/Brother relationship that really fuels the fire so don't be afraid of your emotion.

So where you Princes and Knights? Your damsel in distress is waiting in the tower for you to come and save her from the dragon and other monsters...Are you going to be the man that charms her to let down her hair? Is she going to peek over the side of the balcony only to find youself giving her 
s advice how to hold on to this ride because It's gonna be ahakysbut you will be there for her and catch her when she falls?Every man must decide for his own life(: Let Love Rule

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Past and Regrets

Sorry everybody I haven't blogged in a while!!!! I've been so busy! you know with Mr. Norvell homework stress and all(: hahaha but anyway I titled this blog The Past and Regrets because I just felt the need to explain some things...This blog too is probably going to be short but, hey, that's me! Short and to the point...unlike Shakespeare who has very elaborate with metaphors.ANYWAY, leggo.

Everyone lives with regrets but I especially have some. I totally ruined this awesome friendship I used to have.I mean you have no idea how bad I've wanted to go back and fix things! i would have changed the way I did things and timing and I would have NEVER told my friend some stuff if I would have known it would come to this.I mean everything is so awkward now and it just makes me want to cry sometimes because I know now that no matter what I do it will never be the same. We will never be friends again, just two people who pass each other in the hall. Its like one of those sad stories but hey, my life is a sad love story, but oh well! I brought it onto myself. So here is some advice, learn from your mistakes...because one day, you might miss out on an awesome relationship that could have been incredible. And now I have one guy friend...ONE! that I actually talk to quite often and I promise I will NOT MESS this one up! I refuse! I forbid it! I know I'm a sappy love story girl but I can't help it! I just love Love!

Anyway, the bottom line is, don't ruin a relationship over a dumb note or a sentence you didn't mean to say. Think before you speak and think before you write. It may be true that "Stick and stones may break my bones but Words may never hurt me." But words do hurt! That hurt a lot! That can break people down and once those words are gone, you cant take them back. It's impossible!Dont make my mistake... cause it can damgage an awesome relationship that couldve changed your life.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Teen Advisors

Self worthhhhh! We all struggle with this subject. I know I do! Ive always had the problem thinking Im not good enough. I am never pretty enough. Athletic enough... Never popular enough. I think Im not pretty because Im not stick skinny and pretty. What can I say? I wasnt blessed with looks and Cuteness and skinny-ness! But God told me to be thankful for what I do have! I have big eyes, long eyelashes, a love for little kids, and a passion for Journalism and Writing! But hey, all of us are not made to be exactly the same! We are like snowflakes! We are all made of the same stuff but we are different. Did you know that no 2 snowflakes are exactly alike? Like in the Bible theres a part in Hebrews, even though there are many parts we all work togwrher to become one! A foot cant do a legs job and a leg cant do an eyes job and an eye cant do an ears job. Me? I think Im a hand... I love doing service and working to make things better. I love holding the little kids hands when they are scared. And I really like Giving hugs! But Im getting off track.We are all so special!

Never feel like you Are a mistake in Gpds creation like I did. I thought I was just a piece of trash God just threw out in Heaven but in Chapel one day, God said "Haley! Youre not a mistake! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! I knit you piece by piece in your mothers were made in Imago Deo- The Image Of Me!!! You are perfect and I made you exactly the way you were supposed to be! I love you so much and I died on a cross for you so you could spend eternity with me(: Would I go through all that pain and suffering for a mistake?" and after that I felt really dumb for ever thinking of myself just because the world didnt accept me... Dont let the Devil win. He lives to make your life miserable. Do NOT let him win because the price has been paid and the battle has already been won! You are Beautiful(:

Also guys, be thankful!!! I just want to say how thankful I am for my grandparents and aunt and uncle... My grandparents are begging me to come to their house and spend the week with them!! I do it every summer, and I gotta say...Going there is The highlight of Summer for me! And me and my Aunt Carrie are so close! My dad says that im the spitting Image of her! I love her like crazy and we have more of a Best Friend Relationship than a Aunt/Niece relationship! She is crazy, insane,super friendly, awesome and amazing and I still respect jer because even though it doesnt feel like it she still is my Auntieeeee. She so chill and I cant wait til Summer so I can spend more time with her! I love Carrie!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Now this time around Im going to discuss And if you are thinking to your self, "Wow.This chic is Narcissistic." and you click off the page,I understand,and I wont hate you! I just needed some time to vent and remind myself of who I really am and what I stand for and what I Hope to be one day.SHORT BLOG!

My name is Haley.I hate my name. Its so boring and normal!! I mean come on, How many Haley's do you know or have heard of? a lot. I dont mean change my name to something CrAzY and out of the park like Sha-naynay or something ridiculous but the point is, I want to be different! I want to stand out! I dont want a name that just blends in with the Gray sidewalk and watch people walk over it day by day by day and see nothing of it! I want to be like a Froot Loop in a bowl of Cheerio's.I want to be the girl who wears the crazy socks and the neon colors and who will step out of their comfort zone to do anything. I want to be the girl who takes risks and is up to any challenge that is thrown at her! That girl, whoever it is, I want to be.

I want to be a Journalist/Columnist. I realized I wanted to be this when I was in 3rd grade after writing cursive letters.In kindergarten, I remember wanting to be a police officer like my daddy but as time went on, I found myself being captivated by Quotes, Books, Magazines, NewsPaper, Essays, and other things..and of course other careers popped in my head along the way.I know for a while, I wanted to be a Historian and study Ancient Greek Mythology after learning about the gods but that dream was soon extinguished after my dad told me Historians had no life...So now I am pursuing my dream(:

Love, who doesnt love it? and if you said no, you have no heart. JUST KIDDING! but seriously, lighten up! But anyway, I am one of those girls who never attracted the guys, Who tells everyone else they are beautiful but cant tell my self that. Im a girl who likes guys but end up ruinig it all too soon(went there never going back). Yes, I celebrate Valentines even though I am alone, I would rather watch a fairytale love story become reality, than going to the movies with my friends, what I have left of them anyways. And another thing, If you dont have that one guy(talking to girls here), that you can tell absolutely anything to and he still doesnt walk away from you but instead holds your hand and tells you Its gonna be ok(': I thank the Lord I have my guy and he wont ever leave me by myself!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fiddler(: Misses and Thank You's

It kills me to know that I no longer have play practice anymore...I mean for months we went over the same flipping scenes over and over and over again making them perfect. And now that the play is over, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself anymore! I guess I'll just have to start another book series again and wait for that movie to come out haha. But the point is that I am definitly going to miss everyone. I became really close with people who arent even close to my age!! I mean a 5th grader has now made my Best Friend list and a Senior actually talks to me now... pretty dorky for a Freshmen, I know, but I truly am going to miss everybody!!! I am going to cry because in next year's play we are losing 2 beloved and INSANELY talented Actresses, Rebecca Botter and Hannah Layman who have been involved with plays for as long as I can remember!

Rebecca has ALWAYS been my Inspiration for acting and I cant help but smile when she is on stage because she is amazing at what she does...I feel kind of unworthy when we have a scene together or we are on stage at the same time because I feel like she just over powers me so much and she is so blessed to have this amazing talent that I can only dream about having! and if I was to pick any actress that was my favorite out of would MOST DEFINITLY be her!!!! Rebecca is such a sweetheart and I am captivated when she is on stage..she lights up the room with her personality and Jesus loving heart and she is always in charecter no matter what chaos was around...If the whole curtain fell down around her she would still keep on with her charecter...She is so focused in everything she does and she strives to make her performance perfect and I am learning to do the same because of her example...In this year's play, Fiddler On The Roof, she played Tzeitel, the eldest daughter of Tevye... and I, Yente the Matchmaker, was supposed to arrange a match for her. I originally chose for her Lazar Wolf, the Butcher, but by her perfomance on stage I felt bad about trying to pair her up with Lazar Wolf even if it wasn't real!! She was meant for Motel(Thomas) and thats how it turned out(: I'm going to miss Rebecca's spunky,uplifting,Firecracker performances and I am going to cry my eyes out when she leaves for college!!! Rebecca Botter if you happen to read this, I want you to know that you Inspire me and you make me want to work harder and you are turning into being my hero and for that, I thank you(:

Anyway, I am going to miss alot of things and it almost brings me to tears when I think about it! I am most definitly going to miss Hayden giving me a hug before performances and whispering in my ear, "Do Work." I am going to miss Jeffrey's random hugs and our awesome handshake that consisted of banging our fists against each others and him telling me "ROCK IT OUT!!You are going to do Awesome!!" I am going to miss me and Katie Kelly's inside joke...I am going to miss our Coloring Table, Trey's constant obsession with Eden, Ayana's laughter,Justin's beard, our whole dressing room singing Stronger at the top of our lungs, Jack and Thomas' intrusions when they came looking for Annie, Lizzie's mustache, Emily and Katie's sweetness, Me and Kaylan's insane coloring,Craig and Frank coloring trees and dragons, Mrs. Talley's pep talks, Botter's walk, Thomas' awesome flip,Logan's repetition of my one line as soon as I get off stage, Mike the Sound guy, and who could forget Mary Katherine Fallin over the monitor during bows, andso many others, but the bottom line is I miss everyone dearly and as much as we hated practice and doing these scenes over and over again, and staying till 11:30 at night but, it was so worth it those performance nights!

Mr. Travis, I would like to say thank you for everything you have done!! You helped me so much along with others and I thank you for getting that insane Yente out of me! You made my charecter come alive and I could have never done that alone.You were always there for the constant encouragement and even for make-up mishaps and I appreciate that. You have always been and always will be a musical Genius to me and and by your life, I strive to be a better Christian and I just want to say Thank You for Everything!

I'm going to do the same as Rebecca and put this on a tweet for all my Fiddler cast to see how much I love them!! Because no way can this fit in 140 Charecters!!!! haha also check out Rebecca's blog "I Can't Believe It's Not Botter!" link on her twitter page...because apparently Copy and Paste has failed me!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Only You Can Be You

I get really upset when someone wishes that they were someone else...for instance a girl looks at the most popular girl and says "I want to be her..Shes perfect." Little do we know but no matter how good he or she looks on the outside, they could be falling to pieces in the inside...God said you are fearfuly and wonderdfully made. God knew you before you were even in your mothers womb.. Dont you dare say that you are not Beautiful....even for guys too but mostly girls.Anyway, I went through a hard time believing that because I didnt have good friend who was there for me and left me all te time and I thought it was because I wasnt pretty enough.but it wasnt! She was just a mean friend...

And let me just tell you something real fast!! And this is for Girls! Please please please, im begging you, dont like a guy thats a jerk and treats you like some kind of ragdoll. Stand up for yourself! You are not a toy! You have a toungue use it! Dont keep silent about something that needs to be said. Speak Now or FOREVER hold your peace! If he breaks your heart grab your bestie and go break his face!(: eat Ice Cream and plot revengeeee! Hahahaha but seriously its time for you to be strong and stand.. Dont cry now, but Stand, because the rain cant last for ever and after every storm come the rainbow...

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Uh..huh another song! this one is A Little Bit Stronger by Sara Evans and this is NOT ANOTHER HATE-BLOG THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! yeah you know who you are...

Riding in the car to work and I'm trying to ignore the hurt
So I turned on the radio, stupid song made me think of you
I listened to it for minute but I changed it
I'm getting a little bit stronger, just a little bit stronger

And I'm done hoping that we could work it out
I'm done with how it feels, spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And, oh, I'm done thinking that you could ever change

I know my heart will never be the same
But I'm telling myself I'll be okay
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger

this is only a little part of it but its my favorite part of the song!!! But im also hooked on Cinema from Skrillex but mainly this one. So this blog is going to be RaNdOm!!!! I got lots of stuff on the lineup...Number 1. THE HUNGER GAMESS and that should get anyone lets start..

The Hunger Games
       How many days left til the Premiere?!?!?!?!? i honestly dont know but i just know that it better be as good as the book or else i will be thoroughly disappointed! the books were so amazing and I just cant wait to watch Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth as Peeta and Gale(:(: Who would you have Katniss rather end up? Peeta or Gale? for me, I will pick Peeta over Gale any day, just because has something that Gale just cant grasp...I cant put my finger on it but theres just something thats sets them apart O__o

     So you remember at the end of my last blog I said all I could think about now was Hands? and couldnt figure out why? well i figured out why today... a song came rushing through my head! Vanilla Twilight by Owl City!!! it goes "Its when I look at my HANDS and feel sad because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly!" i dont know why that was so important but its been running through my head all flippin day long along with a million other things!

    So today we had a tornado warning at school and one of my classmates was getting scared and after it was over I saw a little girl crying and all I could think about was "Why would anyone be crying?"...As the wind howled outside, my heart was calm because God put Psalm 62:6 on my heart.."He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken" and I just thought no matter how big a storm gets God is bigger still. But that little girl reminded me that theres really nothing to be scared of..Well I know that for me....If you are saved thateres absolutely nothing to worry about..I know God is holding me in His arms and no matter what I do, He is never going to let me go. No matter how scared I get, God is holding me and comforting me in times of Trouble and pain..

      All I can say is be careful choosing your friends... I have three best friends that I can tell anything to and I know they will always be there for me no matter what I do! When I was smaller I was kind of Best friends with everybody, and that didnt turn out so well..Lets just say Today,I'm not liked by all the girls in my class. So make sure you know that person VERY well before just letting them in your life...
       The play!! FOTR is coming on amazing and Im so excited for it March 15!!!!Like you have no idea how many times Ive gone over this script!! I love being and old woman that hates people and my favorite quote right now is from Dr. Barnum when she goes 'Okay....Just sit there and be Judgemntal(: hahah I love Yente(;

EBC and Another Thing

I went and saw USJ's "Happy Days" tonight and I have to say overall it was pretty good(:  but I noticed something not about the play...but about the people. I went and saw it with my Best friend, Mary Katherine, and though we had fun together, I went to see my friends from Englewood, Sierra and Allyson. But thats just it, I went for my Englewood church friends and some more of my mutual EBC church friends are going to see them tomorrow! Im so glad that we still have teens like that...who would take the time to go enjoy each others talents and celebrate it with them... I mean, at my home church, we would NEVER do that for each other in our youth group. Yeah,we go bowling once a year at Christmas, but thats it. It's quite sad, but we just arent that close and it is just something we have to work on, But Teens at Englewood are different! and I loveeeee it that way. I get a blessing from them because I realize how much they are there for each other and how much they actually do love each other...
   And just another thing about Englewood....I go to visit there quite often on Wednesdays, often enough that Youth Pastor,Josh, considers me one of their own and I love it!! Every time I visit Im always meeting someone new.Last time I went, I met a guy named Steven/Stephen I dont know how it is spelled  but The guy is P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S!!! He accepted me right off the bat! And the time before that I reunited with a girl I met on Fall Retreat named Kara,again thats probably not how you spell it but oh well(:  She was very nice and we now know each other...

      The bottom line is Englewood is a amzing church and for anyone looking for a church in the Jackson area I highly suggest that one(:

      And just a little side note...Dont believe everything you hear...because chances are it's probably not true. You dont know how many times that story has been passed around and it could have goten changed 1000 times before it ever gets to you. Its just another Rumor that was designed to tear somebody down, to make them feel like a nobody. And when you hear such Ridiculous news,heres some advice, Just keep your mouth closed...Instead of trying to tear people doen all the time like the ways of this world, be a rebel and be nice for once. That's what Jesus wants...and doesnt every Christian have the motive to live for Him? Give Glory to Him because He is the only one that is worthy of praise<3

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Ive been dying to blog all stinkin day longg....but cursed school and sister's softball practices prohibits me! geez life.. haha. Anyway, I had a talk with a certain Mister today and boy....i was about to smack them both!!!! but then a song came in my head right as the conversation ended and I had one of those moments when all you wanna do is just scream that song at the top of your lungs!!! Well the song that came in my head was the song Grenade from Bruno Mars and I listened to it nonnnn Stoppp! So Im gonna put the lyrics on here so you can see exactly how my life right now is defined by the song...but every part where it talks about a girl, replace it with a guy and you got it!...

Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live
Oh, take, take, take it all but you never give
Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open, why were they open?

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same

No, no, no, no

Black, black, black and blue, beat me 'til I'm numb
Tell the devil I said, hey, when you get back to where you're from
Mad women, bad women, that's just what you are, yeah
You'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for ya, baby
But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire
Ooh, you'd watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me, you're a liar
'Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby

But darling, I'd still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same

No, you won't do the same
You wouldn't do the same
Ooh, you never do the same
No, no, no, no

Now you are probably thinking that girl has issues but I really don't. I'm a little strange I do have to admit but isn't everybody but thats not the point...The point is I really thought me and this guy were friends! I mean he told me we were! So why wasn't I supposed to trust him? Guess not...Like in the song it says i would do anything for you! and if you werew like oblivious to what a grenade is its one of those ball things that you pull the clip and throw it then it blows up.. Still thats not the point! Isn't reconciliation when two people make up and become friends again? so why is that not the case in this one? I mean the guy tells me he was sorry for being Immature before and that we should be friends and he keeps up that act for a week then ditches again and acts like it never happened?! somethings jacked up with that! Don't friends talk to each other? Don't friends stick up for each other and comfort each other when somethings up? I Mean I should show him Star's favorite verse in Proverbs..."A brother is born into adversity, BUT THERE IS A FRIEND THAT STICKS CLOSER THAN A BROTHER." I bet half the stuff he texts, he wouldn't dare say in front of my face...

 We have been fighting each other since last year and this year I really thought we were going to get along for once...but it looks like we are back to where we started... so much for being friends. Are we really gonna fight the whole time again? the whole summer without saying a word to each other? looks like that is how its gonna be again....

But for some reason all I can think about are Hands...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

wow first blog

I gotta question for all you future writers,doctors,astronaunts,baseball players,poets,actors,musicians, whoever you want to be....whats stopping you from going for your dream?...I know lots of people give the typical excuse, "I'm only in High School!" Whats stopping you from fulfilling your dream now? You know, Ive always wanted to be a columnist for a Newspaper somewhere ever since i was little, so im beginning that dream by starting this simple easy blog and whatever your dream is,start out small and work your way up to being extraordinary(:

First things first, I love Jesus! I include Him in everything so if you dont know Him,well, you need to!! He is an amazing God who died on a cross for your sins and rose again so we may have eternal life!! I live to bring Him Glory and even though Im young, Im learning to Be the Light! 1 Timothy 4:12 says, "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."

Next thing, I love Love!!! I talk about it all the time and I cant get enough of it! it has ups and downs and curly Q's that send us spinning but we continue to run towards it! A friend told me one time that Love is a Myth...I agreed with her at first because i didnt want conflict to erupt like most of us would do, but then i said no, Love is real! Jesus died for us, that was love, married couples love each other, even kindergardeners know that love is real!

Last, Music....My life is defined by music. My best friend is a rising star and she cant go a day without music. "Music is the soundtrack to our lives.It shows where we've been, where we are going and every place in between."-Debby Ryan,as Radio Rebel... because of my passion for writing ive written songs and poems that ive tried to play to music...lets just say im trying to work out the kinks...

well thats the basic stuff and i promise ill sound a lot more interesting and juicy in other blogs about random topics but thanks for taking the time to read this!! i know this one is short and to the point but hey thats me!! hahaha so here's my challenge to leave you with today....Do something extraordinary. Do something that is out of your comfort zone. Do something that makes you different! and when you lay your head on your pillow tonight, Smile, thank God for life, close your beautiful eyes, and Dream A Little(: ~Haley